Today i went out with my
mum.. my real mom dat is not my gan mummy.. haha. Going out with my mom is always very
boring coz she always shop for her things and spend hours and hours in just one shop.. Can you believe it, she spend two hours in a boutique looking at clothes and all are women clothes... how
irritating!! Aniways, after that we went to courts shopping for new appliences for da new house... As usual, i always pester her to buy me things for my new room. Good thing she good mood so bought me alot of stuffs. So i gotta new Plasma Tv for my room, DVD player, mini refrigerator, wardrobe and a new queen size bed.. My younger bro got more stuffs la how irritating!! And she bought for him an MAC lappie!!
I so jealous can!! Anyways, moving to my new house sumwhere in jurong on January.. So many things to pack. I havent done a singke packing yet and da woman makin alot of noise.. hehe also coz i seldom go home la stayin with my friends.. who ask her never gimme money.. if give me more money then i go home siia... hehe.. Aniways, Still am sick and i refused to go to the doc coz i hate visiting clinics.. going back home to sleep!..

Good looking people turns me off!... myself included ....