Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reflections 4

Definition of paranoid: extremely fearful of something that may not be true or may not happen.

So dats the definition... But should i say paranoid?? may not be true? may not happen? i dun think so.. So everything is alright? leaving me alone for the longest time and you still think that nothing have changed?

No, i don't need no apologies;
Heard that too many times, doesn't make sense to me anymore.
If by saying sorry the heart could mend, then the earth wont have no tears no more.
I dont need words, i need actions. Im sick of words
I dont want to hear anymore apologies. No. Not even a single sorry.
Action, action, Dont even mention about this thing to me. If you know do something and show it. I dont want anymore apologies or sweet talks.. no more...

No, I don't need no sympathy;
Stronger than ever, im much much more stronger.
I can stand alone. Im fine standing alone.
Having sumone sumtimes make the standing much more worth it.
So dun pity me. Pity yourself if you have to.

No i havent change,
Im just holding back, taking step back.
Every human being's heart has a door..Its beyond the physical heart that keeps us physically alive, Its the door to the heart of the soul, the one that keeps our soul, faith and love alive. My door has no lock, but it closes when no one keeps it open. Just like a shopping mall door, if no one walk by it, it automatically closes. Somehow it does make sense to me.

I know whatever decision i make now i wont get hurt. But hurting you is the last thing on my mind. I believe in karma, what goes around comes around. So i wont let karma bite me anymore. Maybe we should think it over and not hurt each other, this way karma wont attack any of us.

Think it over what you really want. dont make hasty decision. Its like having a pet, dont adopt one based on indulgence and in the end neglecting it, there's too many strays out on the streets. Think it through, dont hurt yourself.