Saturday night I lost my Bleedy new phone!! OMG how could this happen?? II never lost Phone wan... as if.. ii somehow think one of my friends took it but how could he?? Coz, i was sitting at a food center with two of my friends, then my hp batt died and ii needed to make an urgent call, so i accidentally left my hp on the table (hoping my friends would look after it) and i borrow my friend HP to make a quick call outside the market coz to noisy.. I came back like two min later and found out my hp was gone!! Was so angry and annoyed! I search up and down but my bleedy friends just sit there and continue eating! they say they didnt notice aybe a passerby took it.. HOW could dat be??!!! No passerby will be so daring enuf to take right off sumone table lor.. Then the next day ii found out from another friend that my this friend (the one at the table) said that my bangs cover my forehead is bad luck and i deserve to lost the phone coz my father everytime buy me phones wan.. Walau!! what the hack my hair gotta do with my phone siia... and He took my phone twice liao lor the other time was sumwhere last year.. You see im such a GOOD and FORGIVING friend, i know you took my phone ii still keep quiet and still be ur good friend.. II know UU dun have much money and u confirm sell my phone de. Its not about the phone la but its the friendshp lor.. II help you so many times how could U do this to me TWICE!! U no $$ i always help you lor.. Im just upset with you now la.. but i think aftr sumtime i'll be ok le.. II just hope you change ur character lor.. I am ur BEST FRIEND lor and best friend DONT HURT EACH OTHER!! Pls mend ur way la.. and aniways, thats my new phone!! just got it 1 week ago nia.. but alas, I only have myself to blame for being soo careless. STUPID ME...
i think ii may fall in love again.. But ii dunno whether ii should go for it or stay my way of being ignorance to love and just enjoy freedom... help me.
i think ii may fall in love again.. But ii dunno whether ii should go for it or stay my way of being ignorance to love and just enjoy freedom... help me.